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wydawnictwo: UMCS, 2018, wydanie I

cena netto: 37.69 Twoja cena  35,81 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


A history

The city of Lublin abounds in sites of historical significance. Among them, the magnificent Byzantine murals from the fifteenth century in the Gothic chapel at Lublin Castle bear eloquent witness to the high points of the city's rich history, while the Nazi concentration camp at Majdanek, once outside the city limits, now within them, is a poignant witness to its greatest tragedy. But despite its undoubted importance, what is visible from the past is nonetheless only a part if the tale. This book presents o concise but thorough history of the city and its community, within the broader Polish context, from the early Middle Ages to the present, based on the most up to date historical knowledge and with a special focus on the human dimension of the story.

Acknowledgements 7

Introduction: The Past in Lublin’s Present 9

Chapter 1: From the Womb of History to a Vigorous Youth 19
Chapter 2: Golden Years 33
Chapter 3: Years of Decline 47
Chapter 4: Lublin under the Partitions: The Period of the Uprisings 63
Chapter 5: The Post-Uprising Partition Period and the Rebirth of the Polish State 79
Chapter 6: During the Second Polish Republic 95
Chapter 7: The Maelstrom: World War II 115
Chapter 8: The New Occupation and the Dark Night of Stalinism 129
Chapter 9: 1956 to 1989: The Long and Winding Road to Freedom 143
Chapter 10: Not the End of History 157

Suggested Further Reading 171
Illustrations 173

186 pages, Hardcover

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